Human Action
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics botuar së pari në vitin 1949 është magnum opusi i Ludwig von Misesit.[1] Kjo vepër përkufizoi një pjesë të mirë të koncepteve të Shkollës Austriake të Ekonomisë.
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Autor | Ludwig von Mises |
Titulli origjinal | Human Action: A Treatise on Economics |
Shteti | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës |
Gjuha | Anglisht |
Tema | Ekonomi, Ekonomi politike |
Botoi | Yale University Press |
Lloji i medias | Shtyp |
Faqe | 881 |
ISBN | ISBN 9780865976313 |
Është e vërtetë se ekonomia është një shkencë teorike dhe si e tillë abstenon nga çdo gjykim vlere... Shkenca nuk i thotë kurrë një njeriu se si duhet të veprojë; ajo vetëm tregon se si duhet të sillet një njeri nëse ai dëshiron të mbërrijë në përfundime të caktuara. Ludwig von Mises: Human Action, Introducion
Vepra jep një argumentim të hollësishëm për kapitalizmin laissez-faire bazuar mbi veprimin njerëzor, apo mbi hetimin racional të vendim-marrjes njerëzore. Vepra refuzon pozitivizmin brenda ekonomisë. Misesi argumenton dhe tregon se ekonomia e tregut të lirë jo vetëm që i lë pas sistemet ekonomike të planifikuara, por shërben edhe si një themel për vet civilizimin.
Yale University Press botoi edicionin e parë të Human Action në vitin 1949. Botime të tjera të rishikuara pasuan në vitin 1963, po nga Yale University Press, dhe në vitin 1966 (edicioni i tretë) me redaktor Henry Regenery-në. Ky qe edhe edicioni i fundit i botuar gjatë jetës së Misesit. Në vitin 1996 u botua një edicion i katërt, me rishikime nga Bettina B. Greaves-i.
Pjesa e parë: Human Action (Veprimi njerëzor)
Redakto- I. Acting Man
- Shkenca e veprimit njerëzor quhet prakseologji (praxeology). Veprimi njerëzor përfshin çdoherë një kosto oportune dhe është gjithnjë i qëllimshëm.
- II. The Epistemological Problems of the Sciences of Human Action
- III. Economics and the Revolt Against Reason
- IV. A First Analysis of the Category of Action
- V. Time
- VI. Uncertainty
- VII. Action Within the World
Pjesa e dytë: Actions Within the Framework of Society (Veprimet brenda kornizës së shoqërisë)
Redakto- VIII. Human Society
- IX. The Role of Ideas
- X. Exchange Within Society
Pjesa e tretë: Economic Calculation (Kalkulimi ekonomik)
Redakto- XI. Valuation Without Calculation
- XII. The Sphere of Economic Calculation
- XIII. Monetary Calculation as a Tool of Action
Pjesa e katërt: Catallactics or Economics of the Market Society (Katalaktika? apo Ekonomia e shoqërisë së tregut)
Redakto- XIV. The Scope and Method of Catallactics (Qëllimi dhe metoda e )
- XV. The Market
- XVI. Prices
- XVII. Interest
- IXVIII. nterest, Credit Expansion, and the Trade Cycle
- XIX. Work and Wages
- XX. The Nonhuman Original Factors of Production
- XXI. The Data of the Market
- XXII. Harmony and Conflict of Interests
Pjesa e pestë: Social Cooperation Without a Market (Bashkëveprimi shoqëror pa tregun)
Redakto- XXVThe Imaginary Construction of a Socialist Society
- XXVI. The Impossibility of Economic Calculation Under Socialism
Pjesa e gjashtë: The Hampered Market Economy
Redakto- XXVII. The Government and the Market
- XXVIII. Interference by Taxation
- XXIX. Restriction of Production
- XXX. Interference with the Structure of Prices
- XXXI. Currency and Credit Manipulation
- XXXII. Confiscation and Redistribution
- XXXIII. Syndicalism and Corporativism
- XXXIV. The Economics of War
- XXXV. The Welfare Principle Versus the Market Principle
- XXXVI. The Crisis of Interventionism
Pjesa e shtatë: The Place of Economics in Society (Vendi i ekonomisë në shoqëri)
Redakto- XXVIII. The Nondescript Character of Economics
- XXXIX. The Place of Economics in Learning
- XL. Economics and the Essential Problems of Human Existence
Përkthimi në gjuhët e tjera
Redakto- Në italisht (1959) si L'azione umana : trattato di economia, Torino: UTET
- Në kinezisht (1976) as 人的行為 : 經濟學硏論 / Ren de xing wei : jing ji xue yan lun by 台湾銀行經濟硏究室, Taiwan yin hang jin ji yan jiu shi, (Bank of Taiwan) Stampa:Oclc
- Në spanjisht (1995) si La acción humana : tratado de economía Madrid: Unión Editorial D.L., ISBN 978-84-7209-292-1
- Në gjuhën çeke, 2006. ISBN 80-86389-45-6.
- In 2007 was published in Polish by the Instytut Ludwiga von Misesa (Warszawa) as Ludzkie działanie : traktat o ekonomii ISBN 978-83-926160-0-9
- Në turqisht si İnsan eylemi : iktisat üzerine bir inceleme, Ankara: Liberte Yayınları (2008) ISBN 978-975-6201-41-1
- Në japonisht si ヒューマン・アクション : 人間行為の経済学 / Hyūman akushon : Ningen kōi no keizaigaku, 春秋社, Tōkyō : Shunjūsha (2008) ISBN 978-4-393-62183-7
- In 2011 the Ludwig von Mises Institute Brazil translated it to Portuguese language and published it as Ação Humana – Um Tratado de Economia. ISBN 85-62816-05-1
- Në frëngjisht, përkthyer nga Raoul Audouin si "L’action humaine : Traité d’économie". Libre échange. Paris : PUF, 1985. ISBN 2-13-038598-2
Shiko dhe
RedaktoReferime dhe shënime
Redakto- ^ Younkins, Edward W. (2007). Champions of a Free Society: Ideas of Capitalism's Philosophers and Economists. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. fq. 184. ISBN 0-7391-2647-4.
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Edicione të librit
Redakto- Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, 1998 Scholar's Edition:
- Study Guide
- "Study Guide to Human Action" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine by Robert Murphy, December 2008
- Audiolibër[lidhje e vdekur] lexuar nga Jeff Riggenbach (YouTube)
- (Jo përfaqësues të tekstit të plotë)
- Introduction Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 1 Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Acting Man"
- Chapter 2 Arkivuar 5 nëntor 2013 tek Wayback Machine "The Sciences of Human Action" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 3 Arkivuar 21 shtator 2013 tek Wayback Machine "Economics and the Revolt Against Reason" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 4 Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "A First Analysis of the Category of Action" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 5 Arkivuar 14 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Time and Praxeology" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 6 Arkivuar 6 tetor 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Uncertainty" (study guide Arkivuar 6 tetor 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 7 Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Action Within the World" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 8 Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Human Society" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 9 Arkivuar 20 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine "The Role of Ideas" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 10 Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Exchange Within Society" (study guide)
- Chapter 11 Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "Valuation Without Calculation" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 12 Arkivuar 2 tetor 2014 tek Wayback Machine "The Sphere of Economic Calculation" (study guide Arkivuar 27 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 14 Arkivuar 29 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine "The Scope and Method of Catallactics" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 15 (Part I Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, Part II Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine) "The Market" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 16 (Part I Arkivuar 19 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, Part II, Part III Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine) "Prices" (study guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Chapter 16 "Mathematics Versus Economic Logic" Arkivuar 1 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Brand Confidence and the Economics of Good Will" Arkivuar 1 mars 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 17 "Demand for Money and Supply of Money" Arkivuar 29 korrik 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Carl Menger's Theory of the Origin of Money" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Determination of the Purchasing Power of Money" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Notion of Neutral Money" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Inflation and Deflation" Arkivuar 13 korrik 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Anticipation of Changes in Purchasing Power" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Specific Value of Money" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "There is Money and Then There Are Money Substitutes" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Free Banking and Contract Law" Arkivuar 12 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Free Banking versus Large-scale Credit Expansion" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Unconditional Redemption for Gold" Arkivuar 5 tetor 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Government Against Capitalists" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Inflationist View of History" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Gold Standard" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "International Monetary Cooperation" Arkivuar 19 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 18 "The West's Available Capital Goods " Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Some Applications of the Time-Preference Theory" Arkivuar 13 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 19 "The Phenomenon of Interest" Arkivuar 12 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Nature of Interest" Arkivuar 13 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 20 "Role of Interest in Entrepreneurial Calculations" Arkivuar 11 qershor 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Malinvestment, Not Overinvestment, Causes Booms" Arkivuar 7 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Alleged Absence of Depressions under Totalitarianism" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Credit Expansion vs. Simple Inflation" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Monetary or Circulation-Credit Theory of the Trade Cycle" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Market Economy as Affected by the Recurrence of the Trade Cycle" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Role Played by Unemployed Factors of Production in the First Stages of the Boom" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Fallacies of Nonmonetary Explanations of the Trade Cycle" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Catallactic Unemployment" Arkivuar 9 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 21 "Gross Wage Rates and Net Wage Rates" Arkivuar 6 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Wages and Subsistence" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The History of Capitalism" Arkivuar 28 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Popular Interpretation of the "Industrial Revolution" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Wage Rates as Affected by the Vicissitudes of the Market" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 23 "Market Data: Power, War, and Man" Arkivuar 12 tetor 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Problems of External Costs and External Economies" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine
- Chapter 24 "The Ultimate Source of Profit and Loss on the Market" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "The Harmony of the 'Rightly Understood' Interests", "Private Property" Arkivuar 14 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine, "Economic Nationalism Is a Philosophy of War"
- Study Guide
Resurse të tjera
Redakto- Artikuj, ese dhe recensione
- "The Power of the Pocket Edition"[lidhje e vdekur] nga Jeffrey Tucker, November 2010
- "Human Action at Sixty" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine by Richard M. Ebeling, March 2009
- "Mises's Gift of Human Action" Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine by Jonathan M. Finegold Catalan, May 2011
- The Freeman: Human Action 60th Anniversary issue September 2009
- "Human Action, 1949: A Dramatic Episode in Intellectual History" by Israel M. Kirzner, September 2009 (also published here)
- "What Human Action Has Meant to Me: Reflections of a Young Economist" by Peter T. Leeson
- "Human Action: The Treatise in Economics" by Peter J. Boettke
- "Human Action: The 60th Anniversary" by Bettina Bien Greaves
- "Human Action as a Work of Art" by Sheldon Richman
- "Reflections on Human Action after 50 Years" by Vernon L. Smith, Fall 1999
- "The Methodology of Human Action" by Lawrence H. White, Fall 1999
- "Epistemological Relativism in the Sciences of Human Action" Arkivuar 28 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine Ludwig von Mises, 1960
- "The Place of Mises's Human Action in the Development of Modern Economic Thought" (PDF) by Joseph T. Salerno, Spring 1999
- "The Why of Human Action" Arkivuar 14 shtator 2014 tek Wayback Machine by Ludwig von Mises, September 1949
- "The Case for Capitalism" by Henry Hazlitt, September 1949
- Mises Review: "Human Action, The Scholar's Edition" by David Gordon, Winter 1999 (republished as Mises Daily here Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine)
- Media të tjera
- In Studio: "Human Action: Pocket Edition" intervistë me Douglas French, (YouTube)
- The Science of Human Action lecture by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, July 2011 (YouTube)
- Human Action animation
- Authors Forum: Human Action Study Guide Arkivuar 16 gusht 2014 tek Wayback Machine lecture by Robert P. Murphy, March 2009 (YouTube)
- Acting Man online lesson