Përdoruesi diskutim:Cradel/arkivi1
Kjo faqe këtu është vetëm për diskutim mbi përdoruesin Cradel/arkivi1. Wikipedia nxit diskutimin mes vullnetarëve të saj dhe nuk do të censurojë komente bazuar në pikëpamjet ideologjike ose politike. Wikipedia nuk do t’i ndryshojë komentet. Ato ose do të publikohen, ose do të fshihen nëse nuk u binden rregullave kryesore.
Të gjitha komentet u nënshtrohen këtyre rregullave:
Vërejtja e përdoruesve
RedaktoNuk ja vlen të paralajmërohen IP se shumica nuk vijnë për herë të dytë këtu, ose kanë IP dinamike e pastaj i del mesazhi dikujt tjetër që rastësisht e ka IP e paralajmëruar. Idea nuk është e keqe po unë mendoj që duhet kufizuar vetëm në përdorues të regjistruar. tung --bet_0 5 Maj 2008 20:32 (UTC)
- E Vërejta tek tash që e ke shtru këtë diskutim në Kuvend. po e vazhdoj pra atje, sorry e pash tek tash. tung --bet_0 5 Maj 2008 20:40 (UTC)
Hi could you help me translate Charlotte Perrelis article into beuatiful albanian.thanks!. She and Olta Boka are alreasy friends.-- 9 Maj 2008 12:31 (UTC)
Redaktoprovo tash, a funksionon. tung —bet_0 11 Maj 2008 12:14 (UTC)
Emblema stema
RedaktoTung uni.
Pasi që i ke ndryshuar [1] Emblema në Stema të lutem ridrejto edhe artikujt përkatës s bie fjala Emblema e Kosovës; Emblema e Rusisë etj.--Hipi Zhdripi 20 Maj 2008 23:03 (UTC)
- Duhet me e bë edhe kategorinë në stema, edhe pse unë mendoj që Emblema më mirë tingëllon. tung —bet_0 21 Maj 2008 16:57 (UTC)
Stampat aktuale
Redakto- Tung,
- shume mire ben qe vazhdon projektin e stampave aktuale. Disa muaj me radhe kam bere une por disi si u bezdisa dhe e lash pas dore. Kur te kem nerva do te te ndihmoj me ndonje date.
- Ajo qe desha te te them eshte se duhet qe te dhenat ne stampen e dates te jen te njejta me ato te aktuales qe estetikisht te duket bukur e te mos ket njera me shume e tjera me paka.
- Per ta bere kete une ta rregullova 1 vend testimi ja ketu. Puntori 22 Maj 2008 07:49 (UTC)
- Edhe mua më bezdis ndonjëherë por pastaj kujtoj se do të më bezdis edhe më shumë nëse nesër faqja e parë mbetet me një "redlink" dhe vazhdoj :)-- Cradel 22 Maj 2008 10:49 (UTC)
- PS mendoj që do të ishte ide e mirë të shtoheshin disa linqe tek ana e djathtë sepse nëse provojmë t'i bëjmë ta barabarta fotografitë vertikale dalin shumë të volga-- Cradel 22 Maj 2008 10:52 (UTC)
RedaktoE kam nje prozimi per listen tende e artikujve qe ke krijuar ose kontribuar.
Kam filluar | Shtete | Skocia .... |
Historia e shteteve | Historia e Britanisë së Madhe ... | |
Flamuj | Flamuri i Skocisë | |
Dete | Deti Irlandez ... | |
Të tjera | Sistemi shtetrorë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar ... | |
Kam rishkruar plotësisht | Naurua · Anglia | |
Kam kontribuar shumë | Britania e Madhe · Burkina Faso · Estonia · Italia · Franca · Spanja · Finlanda · Japonia | |
Wikipedia shqip ka | 101.716 artikuj |
Cka po mendon? —Proud To Be Albanian (°diskuto°) 22 Maj 2008 15:19 (UTC)
Përsheshi i gjuhëve
RedaktoMe përdorimin e gjuhës angleze vend e pa vend po dalin përshersh artikuj. P.sh.: Magnus III of Sweden??? Po të ishte suedisht, me një mijë e sa ka! Të lutem ke kujdes se thonë: liria e tepruar që ja jep njeriu vetit është dhunim i liris së tjetrit.--Hipi Zhdripi 23 Maj 2008 21:00 (UTC)
Thank you
RedaktoThanks a lot for your help. If you wanna translate any article on that langueges, please, tell it to me. --Jeneme 31 Maj 2008 15:35 (UTC)
- Thank you very much. I you wanna help to translate any article onto Spanish or other Iberian languages, tell it to me,please. --Jeneme 31 Maj 2008 16:08 (UTC)
- It's in Catalonian. --Jeneme 31 Maj 2008 16:27 (UTC)
- and in Occitanian (Aranese variant, I don't speak "general" Occitanian, It's a dialect). --Jeneme 31 Maj 2008 16:33 (UTC)
- It's in Catalonian. --Jeneme 31 Maj 2008 16:27 (UTC)
Tani ke privilegjet e administruesit
RedaktoUrime, sipas votimit, tani ke privilegjet e administruesit. Po pate pyetje për ndonjë gjë mos ngurro të më pyesësh. Dori | Diskuto 7 Qershor 2008 02:21 (CEST)
- Falemnderit :)--Cradel 7 Qershor 2008 10:50 (CEST)
Urime, dhe flm per verejtjen tung.Planeti 11 Qershor 2008 13:34 (CEST)
- --Cradel 11 Qershor 2008 13:39 (CEST)
Per te shtuar ngjyra, vota, etj per disa funksione te keshilloj ti "inkorporosh" brenda te stampa te switch. -- eagleal 12 Qershor 2008 23:16 (CEST)
- Do ta kem parasysh --Cradel 12 Qershor 2008 23:32 (CEST)
Grisja e artikujve
RedaktoCiklopi, Dafina, po më duket se është bërë me nguti. Ose sijalizohet redaktuesi ose artikulli rregullphet ashtu që të jetë së paku cung-artikull.--Hipi Zhdripi 14 Qershor 2008 23:41 (CEST)
- ke të drejtë, i restaurova :) --Cradel 15 Qershor 2008 00:14 (CEST)
Art i maujit
RedaktoTjeta Cradel. Per artikullin e maujit une dhe Puntori donim te shtonim edhe foton e dites. Ne qofte se te intereson, dhe mund te ndihmoj hidh nje sy ketu. -- eagleal 16 Qershor 2008 18:21 (CEST)
- Shumë bukur, vetëm edhe më mirë do të ishte sikur edhe stampa:aktuale të bëhej në atë mënyrë sepse ashtu po duket më interesant, gjithashtu nuk po kuptoj pse nuk është vendosur kjo më herët ? --Cradel 16 Qershor 2008 18:26 (CEST)
Punë të mbarë atëherë. -- eagleal 16 Qershor 2008 18:56 (CEST)
- Ok, e mbarova, si të duket ?--Cradel 16 Qershor 2008 18:57 (CEST)
RedaktoTekë Portal:Shkencë nuk po mundem me paraqitë përmbajtjen e kutisë, as "Portal:Shkencë/Nën-Portale as Portal:Shkencë/SubPortale. {gjitha regjistrat janë në kategori Category:Portal:Shkencë--Hipi Zhdripi 18 Qershor 2008 02:14 (CEST)
- N'rregull--Hipi Zhdripi 18 Qershor 2008 03:29 (CEST)
- Upss! Shka bone? Se edhe Përdoruesi:Kosovari, ka problemë të ngjajshëm tekë Portal:Elektronika. Ndihmoj nëse mundesh.--Hipi Zhdripi 18 Qershor 2008 14:52 (CEST)
- Nuk po kuptoj se cili është problemi --Cradel 18 Qershor 2008 15:58 (CEST)
- Upss! Shka bone? Se edhe Përdoruesi:Kosovari, ka problemë të ngjajshëm tekë Portal:Elektronika. Ndihmoj nëse mundesh.--Hipi Zhdripi 18 Qershor 2008 14:52 (CEST)
Redaktokaa:Image:Wiki.png is protected now--AlefZet 18 Qershor 2008 23:46 (CEST)
- Salam. It is protected again.--AlefZet 19 Qershor 2008 20:03 (CEST)
20 Qershor
RedaktoTung rregullo nese mundesh Ngjarje vite më parë më 20 Qershor sdi cka ka ndodh.Planeti 20 Qershor 2008 12:41 (CEST)
- U rregullua :) --Cradel 20 Qershor 2008 13:09 (CEST)
Rreth Njohja e Pavaresise se Kosoves
RedaktoMe fal por, smu duk me vend te me kercnohesh me bllokim... Jam personi qe faktikisht 80% kam jep kontribut ne kete faqe, si me tekst, ashtu edhe me shpejtesi ne rifreskim.. Duke e çmu, kontributin tond, ne shume artikuj te tjere, figura e stampa, muj edhe mu terhjek ska problem... por mendoj qe osht e padrejt me mu kercnu...
- Më vjen keq nëse të erdhi si kërcënim, por thjesht e kishe përsëritur gabimin disa herë duke i injoruar diskutimet, kështë që të kërkoj falje por edhe të kërkoj që të bashkpunosh me kontribuesit e tjerë dhe t'i respektosh rregullat që pa referenca nuk ka artikuj ;) --Cradel 21 Qershor 2008 01:11 (CEST)
Vende, popuj, gjuhë
RedaktoShkrimi i vendeve, popujve, gjuhëve dhe emrave të huaj në gjuhën shqipe bëhet sipas rregullave të gjuhës shqipe. Për këtë kam marrë shembuj sipas së cilës duhesh të veproshë nëse dëshiron të shkruash shqip. Shembulli.--Hipi Zhdripi 24 Qershor 2008 18:32 (CEST)
Kësaj rregulle duhet të i përmbahen të gjithë adminitratorët e sidomos gjatë sugjerimeve e udhëzimeve kur ju japin përdoruese të rinjë.--Hipi Zhdripi 24 Qershor 2008 18:36 (CEST)
faleminderit ... 4 korrik 2008
Redaktopershendetje... flm per Medalen,, rreth angazhimit tim ne faqen Kosova.. besoj qe do te vazhdoj edhe me tej punen derisa te kompletohet ashtu si duhet.. por beso se vullneti nuk mungon por koha nganjehere nuk eshte ne favorin tem ,,. flm nga user: Lulezim
RedaktoPershendetje i nderuar I kam nderprere perkohesisht shkrimet ne faqen Kosova rreth historise, sepse faqja eshte zgjeruar shume. A dakordohesh (normal ne konsultim me administratoret e tjere), qe rubriken Historia ne faqen Kosova ta beje me shkurtesa ndersa historine e plote ta vendosim ne faqen Historia e Dardanise (e cila eshte vendosur per pastrim). pres pergjigjie. Me nderime Lulezim
- Sigurisht, por më mirë do të ishte të shkruhej artikulli Historia e Kosovës ku do të përfshihej pak për Dardaninë dhe pastaj të flitet për Historinë moderne të Kosovës, kurse në artikullin Historia e Dardanisë të flitet mëgjerësisht për Dardaninë --Cradel 15 Korrik 2008 22:19 (CEST)
Artikulli Historia e Kosovës
RedaktoKe futur shënimin [2] pa ndonjë argument.--Hipi Zhdripi 16 Korrik 2008 00:02 (CEST)
- Shikoje pak artikullin, është i shkruar sikur të ishte bërë një "copy-paste" nga ndonjë faqe dhe të ishin shtuar linqet, vetëm shikoje seksionin "Konflikti në ish-Jugosllavi" --Cradel 16 Korrik 2008 13:20 (CEST)
RedaktoHi buddy. I want to ask you a question about the main page of the Albanina Wikipedia. Why there is no macedonian language on the list? We have Albanian link on the Macedonian Wikipedia and it is easier to open the Albanian Wikipedia, but there is no Macedonian on the Albanian Wiki. It is a bit difficult for us. Can you change it somehow? Regards--MacedonianBoy 21 Gusht 2008 12:41 (CEST)
- Well, there is no space for every language, but I added macedonian as more macedonian users visit here than whatever the other language was --Cradel 21 Gusht 2008 12:49 (CEST)
- Thanks a lot, now I have easier access to both wikis. Regards--MacedonianBoy 21 Gusht 2008 12:50 (CEST)
RedaktoNë artikuj Maqedonët ka 4 pikturë dhe janë në gjuhën angleze. A mund të translate? Is it good written? Don't laugh at my bad Albanian. :) Regards --MacedonianBoy 23 Gusht 2008 14:23 (CEST)
- Done :)
P.S. keep in mind that were neutral in this matter and if any other dispute shall come up we will simply do as the english wikipedia--Cradel 23 Gusht 2008 15:45 (CEST)- ok, but this is neutral enough.--MacedonianBoy 23 Gusht 2008 16:30 (CEST)
Republika e Maqedonise
Redakto- pershendetje,
- veprimi i mbylljes se diskutimit nuk eshte ne rregull, sepse koha e zgjatjes se diskutimit ishte e shkurter dhe pjesmarrja ne diskutim ishte vetem e imja dhe e ytja, kurse problemi eshte me i komplikur se sa po mendon.
- Nese ridrejton termet "IRJM" ne Republika e Maqedonise, mos nderro termet e gjuhes dhe popullit sepse ben konflikte mes artikujve dhe te vertetes. Per kete problematike duhet diskutim dhe argumentim me te gjere. Puntori 23 Gusht 2008 20:45 (CEST)
- E kuptoj populli sllavo-maqedonas, por pse gjuha ? Nuk ka ndonjë gjuhë maqedonase-greke, apo jo? edhe në anglisht është en:Macedonian Language --Cradel 23 Gusht 2008 21:04 (CEST)
- Gjuha maqedone antike esht gjuhe e maqedoneve antike te cilet kan jetuar ne maqedoni dhe tani gjuha maqedone si term i njohjes eshte problem per tu pranuar si i vertete (gje qe greket me te drejte nuk po e pranojne emrin e shtetit qe njekohesishte dhe gjuhen e kulturen) sepse Gjuha antike greke shpie ne Gjuhen greke kurse gjuha antike maqedone shqipe ne gjuhen "?" - nuk shpie askund sepse ai popull nuk ekziston me, e cka ne te vertet eshte e ashtuquajtura gjuha maqedone? Gjuha sllavo maqedone eshte gjuhe sllave, pra logjikisht dhe me qarte eshte te themi "gjuha sllavo-maqedone" per ta dalluar nga "gjuha maqedone" se sa te themi gjuha maqedone dhe pa dashje ti mveshim historine e maqedoneve. Kjo eshte politike sllave, vjedhja dhe genjeshtra, sic thot serbi Ivo Andric: "Genjeshtra eshte arti i popullit serb." Puntori 23 Gusht 2008 23:42 (CEST)
- I really cannot understand the Puntori's problem. The ancient macedonian is different even with its name. Macedonian is Mcaedonian there is no doubt. If he does not like the name Maqedonet, let it be Maqedonet (grup etnik). I don't mind this too. --MacedonianBoy 24 Gusht 2008 01:02 (CEST)
- Also see this Macedonians (Ethnic group) --MacedonianBoy 24 Gusht 2008 01:05 (CEST)
- Well, I'll stay out of this as you and Puntori seem to know much more about this than me, no doubt there. --Cradel 24 Gusht 2008 11:37 (CEST)
- I sad in "Wikipedia:Kuvendi" that that was my last discussion, and since is not the place than I'll say one more thing to end this discussion by my side. (you can discusse as much as you whant).
- As first I'm not confused and as second I know more about history as you think so I make to you clear that you have no cultural os some other relation with "Ancient Macedonians" so in thet line you are not Macedonians, you have came in those teritories in 7-th centry together with other slavic people (serbc, croatians, slovens etc.), so what are you? You are slavic-macedonians. This is clear, and no book sais that you are same ar have something to do with each other.
- This is my last comment about this issue and according to me i my knowladge "Gjuha sllavo-maqedone" dhe "sllavo-maqedonët" are terms which should not be changed, You can open discussion and voting about those issues in Wikipedia:Kuvendi and if majority votes Yes , than without problem those terms will be changed.
- P.S. Please dont't change those terms in sq.wikipedia because I'll be forced to ban you if you repeate the actions.
- I'm realy sorry Cradel that this discussion hapened to be written in your talking page.
- Regards, Puntori 24 Gusht 2008 16:19 (CEST)
- Oh my God. This is useless. You are pushing your POV here. Regards --MacedonianBoy 24 Gusht 2008 16:45 (CEST)
- Wow wow, hold on a minute, what's with all the "I know history better than you" and the threatening, I already said I'm staying out of this as you do know better, but anyway I think you have to agree that you are pushing your point of view a bit, no? What you are saying is actually disputed, but as I said: I will stay out, cheers --Cradel 24 Gusht 2008 23:08 (CEST)
- Cradel, I did not discusse with you because I saw that you sad that you stay away. The message was to MacedonianBoy, and saying that I know history better than ... comes according to the messages written about the topic. I did sad nothig but the trouth and this trouth is written in books of history.
- MacedonianBoy I'm not pushing my POV here, but the trouth for you is un acceptable as I see, since you did not answer the questions I made to clear the trouth. Puntori 25 Gusht 2008 13:44 (CEST)
- Wow wow, hold on a minute, what's with all the "I know history better than you" and the threatening, I already said I'm staying out of this as you do know better, but anyway I think you have to agree that you are pushing your point of view a bit, no? What you are saying is actually disputed, but as I said: I will stay out, cheers --Cradel 24 Gusht 2008 23:08 (CEST)
Hi could you please help me translate the article on Yllka berisha to beautiful albanian?.thanks-- 28 Gusht 2008 16:54 (CEST)
RedaktoHi, I see that you're an English-speaking administrator here. I'm wondering if the recent edits and new pages by Përdoruesi diskutim:Eriold on dentists are spam. Steorra 29 Gusht 2008 23:38 (CEST)
Largimi i permbajtjes se faqeve
Redakto- Pershendetje,
- verejta se ke ber largim te permbajtejs se faqes se Bashkimit Evropian. Ky eshte veprim i ngutur. Materialin te cilin kishit larguar ishte i teri i mire, perfekt informativ, vetem duhej radhitur dhe shtuar diku diku shkronjen ë.
- Gjithashtu kishte larguar strukturen e faqes qe eshte edhe ky veprim i ngutur. Ne ne kohen kur kemi filluar te punonim intenzivisht artikuj erdhem ne perfundim qe te vendonim struktura qe edituesit e rastit te kishin strukture ku mund te plasonin informatat e tyre. Dmth eshte lehtesim per edituesit e rastit.
- Kij ne konsiderate vendimet e marra me pare, ose hedhe ceshtjen ne kuvend nese mendon se keto veprime jan te kota.
- Pershendetje Puntori 2 Shtator 2008 13:41 (CEST)
- po e shoh që e paske rregulluar, shumë mirë atëherë. sa për strukturën e faqes ose titujt pa përmbajtje: nuk kam ndonjë problem nëse qëndrojnë, thjesht artikulli duket më i bukur pa to, dhe më i bukur do të thotë më i lexueshëm, përshëndetje --Cradel 2 Shtator 2008 13:46 (CEST)
- E di, por pastaj per edituesit e rastit eshte me i pa pershtatshem sepse nese kan ndonje informate per ndonje pjese te artikullit ose e vendosin ku munden ose e lene fare. Pastaj struktura duhet me na nxit qe ate me e mbush se nese e largojme atehere harrojme se duhet mbushur :).
- Pershendetje Puntori 2 Shtator 2008 13:56 (CEST)
- po e shoh që e paske rregulluar, shumë mirë atëherë. sa për strukturën e faqes ose titujt pa përmbajtje: nuk kam ndonjë problem nëse qëndrojnë, thjesht artikulli duket më i bukur pa to, dhe më i bukur do të thotë më i lexueshëm, përshëndetje --Cradel 2 Shtator 2008 13:46 (CEST)
Hi Cradel! ;)
RedaktoHi! How are you? Could you please help me add a couple of sentences to the Albanian version of this interesting article?
Thanks so much! -Ivana Icana 7 Shtator 2008 01:06 (CEST)
- It already exists : Partia e Pavarur Portorikane --Cradel 7 Shtator 2008 13:30 (CEST)
RedaktoHello Cradel, thanks for the revert, his IP is dynamic, his range is, which You can block if he continues, he is a cross-wiki-vandal from Italy :(
Best regards, --zog i vogël (:> )=| 9 Shtator 2008 02:00 (CEST)
- I'll keep that in mind --Cradel 13 Shtator 2008 17:03 (CEST)
Malet Rodope
RedaktoEkziston dallimi në mes: malet e Rodopeve( masivi i Rodopeve ) dhe Mali iRodopit, mos ti ngatrrojm gjerat.Do ta etitoj ne te ardhmen edhe artikullin per malin Rodp.Planeti 10 Shtator 2008 15:57 (CEST)
RedaktoTung, une nuk merrem me ket sportin "numismatics", por si duket ti merresh, nuk e di se a vetem banknota mledhni apo edhe monedha hekuri, nese qe te dyja i ben me trego dhe me shkruaj ne email adresen tende se kam disa monedha qe me kan rastisur edhe ti dergoj (falas kuptohet) nese kam llogari (sa i perket postes kuptohet) hahaha.Puntori 13 Shtator 2008 15:21 (CEST)
- Faleminderit por nuk jam i interesuar, gjithsesi, mos të keqkuptohemi, më vjen mirë që je kujtuar por jo faleminderit, ndoshta Përdoruesi:MacedonianBoy do të ishte i interesuar
P.S. zakonisht monedhat e hekurit janë ato që mblidhen, banknotat më rrallë --Cradel 13 Shtator 2008 17:03 (CEST)- Ska dert, gjithcka sipas deshires :D . Puntori 15 Shtator 2008 01:03 (CEST)
Learning albanian
RedaktoI see you're learning albanian, just out of curiosity : is it hard to learn? --Cradel 4 Tetor 2008 22:12 (CEST)
I don't know what to say. The vocabulary seems to be easy. My problem are the cases of the nouns (declinations), I can't write anything without grammatical help... surely the better way will be to go in Albania.
--CUSENZA Mario 4 Tetor 2008 22:26 (CEST)
Muhalla e Geces
RedaktoMuhalla e Geces është emri i vërtet. Lagji e Gecës nuk fiiguronë në dokumente zyrtare. Lagjja qyshë me lexu unë k'ta. Nuk është puna e një lagje por është më tepër në pyetje se një lagje e karakteit të sotshëm. Për këtë arsye të lutem këthe siç ka qenë. Fundi i fundit ashtu është e njohur. --Hipi Zhdripi 19 Dhjetor 2008 02:37 (CET)
Upss!! Edhe mëhalla nuk është. Ne mujmë me kategorizu si Lagje por emri i artikullit duhet të mbetet siç ekziston (nëse ekziston ende kjo muhallë, bon vaki prej saj janë dalë 3-4 lagje)--Hipi Zhdripi 19 Dhjetor 2008 02:40 (CET)
- Shiko, "Muhalla" është barbarizëm për fjalën "Lagje", e vetmja arsye pse mund ta lëmë titullin "Muhalla..." është nëse flet për një lagje historike që nuk eksiston më, përndryshe mbetet "Lagjja..." --Cradel 29 Dhjetor 2008 16:01 (CET)
Edhe fjala vilajet është barbarizëm por ja që e ka d.m.th e vetë. Njashtu qëndron dallimi në mes të lagjes dhe muhallës. Muhallat (së paku për në Gjakovë) jonë konë pjesë qyteti të ndara njajtë si lagjia por ja që kanë dallm sepse lagje mund të ketë edhe pa Xhami. Sa muhall i ka pas një qytet njaqë xhamia ka pasë edhe kontra.--Hipi Zhdripi 29 Dhjetor 2008 23:14 (CET)
Pirro i Epirit
Redakto- Përshendetje,
Jemi shumë të shqetësuar për artikullin që flet për Pirron e Epirit. Siç e dimë, Pirro ishte nga fisi Ilir i molosëve. Fatkeqësisht, disa grekë kanë filluar ta modifikojnë artikullin duke u munduar ta nxjerrin Pirron dhe molosoët si Grekë. Pasi kanë arritur ta "Vërtetojnë" atë te wikipedia Angleze, ato po mundohen ta bëjnë këtë dhe te ajo Shqiptare. (Kurse te italianja jo, kishin arritur vetëm t'i quanin pellazgë). Ju lutem na ndihmoni, të paktën te Wikipedia Shqiptare.--EmpMac 27 Dhjetor 2008 17:13 (CET)
- Kjo çështje është mjaft e komplikuar, si zgjidhje të përkohshme mendoj se do të ishte mospërmendja e nacionalitetit të Pirros --Cradel 29 Dhjetor 2008 16:14 (CET)
- Apo te pakten te shkruhet se nacionaliteti nuk eshte i sigurt. Po kontrollova prapë dhe pashë të njëjtën gjë (te anglezja) për Ilirët, Epiriotët dhe Pellazgët(nuk i quajnë fare parardhës të shqiptarëve). Moderatorët as që e quajnë fare mundësinë që Ilirët/Epiriotët/Pellazgët mund të kenë lidhje me shqiptarët. Për ne shqiptarë s'ka problem se ne i mësojmë gjërat nga librat tonë, por kjo do i gënjejë të gjithë kërkuesit e huaj. Ju lutem nëse mund të na ndihmoni në faqen e diskutimit të Pirros (angleze)te çështja "Reliable", ku dikush ka hapur debat.--EmpMac 29 Dhjetor 2008 17:36 (CET)
Po ku ka pasë mër, në atë kohë nacionalitet??? Ju bollë mirë po thuni që u konë i fisit të Molosëve. Nëse keni referncë për këtë leni njashtu. Për Molosët lexuesi lexon te artikulli përkatës.--Hipi Zhdripi 29 Dhjetor 2008 19:02 (CET)
Embarrassing behavior
RedaktoFollowing the blind and unexplained reverts and removals of my sources by several accounts, even by some of the admins of this project, I present the following sources stating unambiguously that Pyrrhus and the Molossians were Greek. I am quite curious to hear what anyone's excuse is for not including them.--Xenovatis 31 Dhjetor 2008 15:41 (CET)
Redakto- Smith, William. A New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology and Geography. "The Molossi were Greek people, who claimed descent from Molossus, the son of Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) and Andromache, and are said to have emigrated from Thessaly into Epirus, under the guidance of Pyrrhus himself. In their new abodes they intermingled with the original inhabitants of the land and with the neighbouring illyrian tribes of which they were regarded by the other Greeks as half barbarians. They were, however, by far the most powerful people in Epirus, and their kings gradually extended their dominion over the whole of the country. The first of their kings, who took the title of King of Epirus, was Alexander, who perished in Italy B.C. 326. The ancient capital of the Molossi was Pasaron, but Ambracia afterward became their chief town, and the residence of their kings. The Molossian hounds were celebrated in antiquity, and were much prized for hunting."
- Errington, Malcolm R. A History of Macedonia. University of California Press, 1993, ISBN 0-520-06319-8. "The Molossians were the strongest and, decisive for Macedonia, most easterly of the three most important Epeirot tribes, which, like Macedonia but unlike the Thesprotians and the Chaonians, still retained their monarchy. They were Greeks, spoke a similar dialect to that of Macedonia, suffered just as much from the depredations of the Illyrians and were in principle the natural partners of the Macedonian king who wished to tackle the Illyrian problem at its roots."
- Borza, Eugene N. (1992). In the Shadow of Olympus: the Emergence of Macedon (Revised Edition). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. "Speakers of these various Greek dialects settled different parts of Greece at different times during the Middle Bronze Age, with one group, the 'northwest' Greeks, developing their own dialect and peopling central Epirus. This was the origin of the Molossian or Epirotic tribes." "[...]a proper dialect of Greek, like the dialects spoken by Dorians and Molossians." "The western mountains were peopled by the Molossians (the western Greeks of Epirus)."
- Crew, P. Mack (1982). The Cambridge Ancient History - The Expansion of the Greek World, Eighth to Sixth Centuries B.C., Part 3: Volume 3 (Second Edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. "That the Molossians[...]spoke Illyrian or another barbaric tongue was nowhere suggested, although Aeschylus and Pindar wrote of Molossian lands. That they in fact spoke Greek was implied by Herodotus' inclusion of Molossi among the Greek colonists of Asia Minor, but became demonstrable only when D. Evangelides published two long inscriptions of the Molossian State, set up p. 369 B.C at Dodona, in Greek and with Greek names, Greek patronymies and Greek tribal names such as Celaethi, Omphales, Tripolitae, Triphylae, etc. As the Molossian cluster of tribes in the time of Hecataeus included the Orestae, Pelagones, Lyncestae, Tymphaei and Elimeotae,as we have argued above, we may be confindent that they too were Greek-speaking."
- Hammond, NGL (1994). Philip of Macedon. London, UK: Duckworth. "Epirus was a land of milk and animal products...The social unit was a small tribe, consisting of several nomadic or semi-nomadic groups, and these tribes, of which more than seventy names are known, coalesced into large tribal coalitions, three in number: Thesprotians, Molossians and Chaonians...We know from the discovery of inscriptions that these tribes were speaking the Greek language (in a West-Greek dialect)."
Redakto- Jones, Archer (2001). The art of war in the Western world. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. p. 32. ISBN 0-252-06966-8. "The particulars of these with Pyrrhus of the Greek kingdom of Epirus"
- Plutarch, Parallel Lives (Βίοι Παράλληλοι), Pyrrhus (Greek) McCall, Jeremiah B. (2002). The cavalry of the Roman republic: cavalry combat and elite reputations in the Middle and Late Republic. New York: Routledge. pp. 32. ISBN 0-415-25713-1. "At Asculum the Roman cavalry matched Pyrrhus' Greek riders." Saylor, Steven (2007). Roma: the novel of ancient Rome. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 332. ISBN 0-312-32831-1. "the Greek adventurer king Pyrrhus" Feeney, Denis (2007). Caesar's calendar: ancient time and the beginnings of history. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 38. ISBN 0-520-25119-9. "...before Pyrrhus no contact with Greece after Pyrrhus Rome and Greece in tandem" Bernstein, Alvin H.; Murray, Williamson; Knox, MacGregor (1996). The Making of strategy: rulers, states, and war. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-56627-4. "Pyrrhus king of Epirus invaded Italy with a formidable Greek profeesional hoplite army" Christopher Mackay (2004). Ancient Rome: a military and political history. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 49. ISBN 0-521-80918-5. "Pyrrhus' Greek troops were tactically superior to the Roman army and he was never defeated in battle."
- a b "Epirus -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia". www.britannica.com. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/190156/Epirus. Retrieved on 2008-12-25. "In the 5th century Epirus was still on the periphery of the Greek world. To the 5th-century historian Thucydides, the Epirotes were “barbarians.” The only Epirotes regarded as Greek were the Aeacidae, who were members of the Molossian royal house and claimed descent from Achilles. From about 370 bc on, the Aeacidae were able to expand the Molossian state by incorporating tribes from the rival groups in Epirus. The Aeacidae’s efforts gained impetus from the marriage of Philip II of Macedon to their princess, Olympias. In 334, while Alexander the Great, son of Philip and Olympias, crossed into Asia, his uncle, the Molossian ruler Alexander, attacked southern Italy, where he was eventually checked by Rome and killed in battle in about 331. Upon Alexander the Molossian’s death, the Epirote tribes formed a coalition on an equal basis but with the Molossian king in command of their military forces. The greatest Molossian king of this coalition was Pyrrhus (319–272); he and his son Alexander II ruled as far south as Acarnania and to central Albania in the north. Pyrrhus’ military adventures overstrained his state’s military resources, but they also brought great prosperity to Epirus. He built a magnificent stone theatre at Dodona and a new suburb at Ambracia (now Árta), which he made his capital."
- a b c d e f g Pyrrhus, Britannica, 2008, O.Ed. Pyrrhus: Main: king of Hellenistic Epirus whose costly military successes against Macedonia and Rome gave rise to the phrase “Pyrrhic victory.” His Memoirs and books on the art of war were quoted and praised by many ancient authors, including Cicero.
- Borza, Eugene N. (1992). In the Shadow of Olympus: the Emergence of Macedon (Revised Edition). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. "Speakers of these various Greek dialects settled different parts of Greece at different times during the Middle Bronze Age, with one group, the 'northwest' Greeks, developing their own dialect and peopling central Epirus. This was the origin of the Molossian or Epirotic tribes." "[...]a proper dialect of Greek, like the dialects spoken by Dorians and Molossians." "The western mountains were peopled by the Molossians (the western Greeks of Epirus)."
- Reconstructing Western Civilization: Irreverent Essays on Antiquity - page 211, by Barbara Sher Tinsley, ISBN 1-57591-095-0 - 2006 - "The Greek King Pyrrhus of Epirus"...."Pyrrhus wrote books on military strategy. Cicero considered one of his treaties on warfare a very fine work."
- Fair enough, Cradel. I don't want to disrupt the functioning of the Wiki and if you think it is counterproductive I will desist. Let me just say that there was a similar issue in the greek wiki with some morons using nationalist sources to claim Skenderbeu was Greek which I put to right as well as saying there is no connection between Albanians and Illyrians which I also corrected. Take care. Gëzuar Vitin e Ri!--Xenovatis 1 Janar 2009 20:21 (CET)
RedaktoKur nuk ke lidhje me një lëndë (Gjeografia) mos i këthe ndryshimet. Hartat që nuk janë aktuale për gjeografin nuk kanë kuptim. Për këtë arsye ato hynë si pjesë e Historisë. Tjetra kontineti është kontinent dhe veçorit e tij po më duket nuk je duke i ditë. Nuk ka gjysmë kontinent. Shiko kontinentin e Evropës me sy të gjeografit dhe ndarjen e këtij kontinenti nga ai i Azisë. Edhe ajrin nuk e shehë, por ai ekzison. --Hipi Zhdripi 29 Dhjetor 2008 23:21 (CET)
- Pse thua që nuk janë aktuale, se nuk i kanë kufijtë e Kosovës? Epo duhesh me prit pak se hala veq 53 shtete e kanë njoftë edhe aty thotë "Harta sipas OKBsë", "Harta sipas një teorie të pranuar gjerësisht" etj., megjithatë po e largoj pjesën gjysëm-kontinent, dhe në fund pse e largove edhe përkthimin në anglisht ? --Cradel 29 Dhjetor 2008 23:34 (CET)
Wanna create my user page in Albanian! Help, please!
RedaktoDear Cradel! If it is not difficult for you, could you help me?
Recently I have been seized with a sudden desire to create my user page in Albanian. I do not really know why... Maybe one day I will start to study it and finally become a fluent speaker :)
Please help to translate the following:
"Contact Information
Permanent Residence: Kharkov, Ukraine
The Countries I Have Been To
The Articles in Albanian I Created
None. Unfortunately, I do not speak Albanian yet. Please, visit my English page:"
Send it to my e-mail shemetovo@gmail.com or write just here!
Thank you very much! — Whiteroll 8 Shkurt 2009 19:10 (CET)
- Here is the translation:
- "Informacion kontaktimi
- Vendbanimi i përhershëm: Kharkov, Ukrainë
- Shtetet që kam vizituar
- Artikujt në shqip që kam krijuar
- Asnjë. Fatkeqësisht, ende nuk flas shqip. Ju lutem shihni faqen time në anglisht:"
--Cradel 9 Shkurt 2009 15:40 (CET)
Wow! Great!!! TNXE6 =) — Whiteroll 9 Shkurt 2009 15:52 (CET)
Admin behaviour, copyright and non-Albanian users
RedaktoHello, sorry for the English, but does this [3], [4], [5] represent normal admin behaviour in this project? Perhaps you could have a bit of a word with your colleagues? Please also have a look at the preceding discussions here, here, here, here. Cheers, -- Future Perfect at Sunrise 11 Shkurt 2009 09:54 (CET)
Update: copyvio images
RedaktoI request that the following images be deleted as copyvios. Since I don't know the template system in this place and I'm sure User:Dan won't be happy if I go round and write image tags in Barbarian, I'll leave it to you to kindly take care of them. Thank you.
- User:Dan
- Figura:Helmimet II 0001.jpg no evidence of license
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Bakalli portret.jpg no evidence of license, source link not working, public domain status highly implausible
- Figura:Helmimet II 0001.jpg no evidence of license
- It is non domain public but it is CC-BY --Eagleal 16 Shkurt 2009 01:15 (CET)
- Figura:Shqiponja e maleve.PNG no source, no license, unlikely to be self-made
- Figura:Popujt e Botës së Vjetër I.PNG scan from book. no source, no license, unlikely to be old enough for PD
- Figura:P. Osmane në Ballkan shk.XV.PNG no source, no copyright status, dubious and unexplained copyright tag (same for several other images in same series)
- Figura:Kulla Rilindja.jpg, from photo forum, source given but no license, no sign of a free release on source website
- Figura:Banovina Kroacia.jpg, scan from unknown book, other wikipedia given as source, but no ultimate source information (no page at :sr: location linked to)
- Figura:Zgjedhjet 2007 Kosovë - perqindja.PNG, no source, no license
- Figura:Kosovo pc.jpg – source given, implausible PD claim with no evidence
- Figura:Prishtina University Academic Institutions.JPG claimed non-free "fair use", but no source given and obviously replaceable
- Figura:7723 c abb.5.png source given but no license, unlikely to be free
- Figura:Gjeologjia e Ballkanit qendrore.jpg source given but no license, unlikely to be free, (not eligible for fair use because of replaceability)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- I don't see anything on the source web page that says it is in the public domain. The web page disclaimers you linked to [6], English version [7] do not contain anything about image licensing and copyrights, just about issues of factual accuracy. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Linjitit.jpg ditto
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed.Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Chrome.jpg ditto
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- As above. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- User:Puntori
- Figura:Masakra e Reçakurt.jpg no source, no evidence of PD
- Figura:Franjo Kuhariq.jpg apparent copyvio, image on the web at: http://www.hrt.hr/arhiv/2002/03/11/HRT0001.html, no evidence that the person cited as the source is in fact the copyright holder
- there is enough informations, just it is in Albanian Language. Translate and will see. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:46 (CET)
- I can see you are claiming it is from somebody's private archive, but since it appears elsewhere on the web, and on pages that are much older than your wikipedia upload, I am doubting that the person who gave it to you is actually the original photographer. He seems to have taken it from somewhere else. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- P.S.: This one might work as "fair use" though, at least that's what we'd probably do on en-wiki, since the person is dead and the image seems to have been quite widely circulated at the time of his death. It was probably an official press release photo of the church at the time. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:40 (CET)
- I can see you are claiming it is from somebody's private archive, but since it appears elsewhere on the web, and on pages that are much older than your wikipedia upload, I am doubting that the person who gave it to you is actually the original photographer. He seems to have taken it from somewhere else. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- there is enough informations, just it is in Albanian Language. Translate and will see. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:46 (CET)
- Figura:Hadi Shehu.jpg apparently not a photograph, therefore copyright explanation implausible
- Figura:Dioguardi.jpg claimed both "reused with permission" and "PD", but no evidence of either
- Figura:Minareja e xhamis ne Damgan.jpg claimed "promotional" non-free, but evidently replaceable
- Figura:Tiraz veil.jpg claimed "promotional" non-free, but no evidence of such status and no further rationale
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- You didn't get the point: It's non-free. If it's non-free, then by the Wikimedia foundation rules you can't use it, unless there is a pressing need of commenting on the photograph as such. It would be possible to create a new, free image of that object, so you can't use this photograph just to illustrate the object. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Amulet - Kalifati Fatimid.jpg ditto
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Same as above. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Valon Behrami.jpg commercial news source, source given, claimed "no rights reserved" implausible, no evidence of release
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- No it is not. There is a claim of a license, but no evidence to back it up. And the claim is most certainly false. German commercial newspapers just don't release images under free licenses, they'd be stupid if they did. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Hysen Kobellari.jpg no source, no evidence of PD status
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Not sure I understand correctly what you added to the image page, but if you are saying you got a personal license from the individual himself, you should forward that license to permissions (at) wikimedia.org. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Newborn-kosova.jpg copyvio from copyrighted Flickr image [8], falsely claimed PD
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- No. The website you linked to is in turn linking to the Flickr user's page, who is the copyright holder. Neither the website nor the Flickr page describe the image as free, indeed the flickr user says it's "all rights reserved". The website stole it from him; that's no justification for us to steal it too. (There's a possible further complication in that there may be a separate copyright claim by the creator of the public artwork pictured, if it qualifies as such, but that's just as an aside.) Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed. Puntori 12 Shkurt 2009 10:44 (CET)
- Figura:Alfred Moisiu - president.jpg claimed fair use, but not used for purpose described in the tag, and evidently replaceable as a portrait
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed (just the license is not translated and reformed).
- No. It's tagged as non-free. Whether or not you are giving the source, you can't use a non-free image as a portrait of a living person, under the Wikimedia rules. It is replaceable with a new, free image that could be created. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed (just the license is not translated and reformed).
- Figura:Bamir Topi - president.jpg ditto
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed (just the license is not translated and reformed).
- As above. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 11:04 (CET)
- do not delete, there is enough information and it is licensed (just the license is not translated and reformed).
- Others
- Figura:Alfredmoisiuu.jpg: claimed "copyrighted-no rights reserved", without evidence. No source
- Figura:Presidenti portret.gif ditto
Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 08:33 (CET)
It seems this has gone too far, I don't really want to get involved here but since I'm an administrator I suppose I sort of "have to", anyway, it really looks like (looks like, not "definitely is") these images have copyright problems, I trust that Puntori knows what he is doing though so I'll give him some time, I think I don't have to remind him that these images will have to get deleted if they're not free, good luck at finding the licenses
PS, google translate now features albanian, which may come to great use here, I will also try to translate your comments where I can, but I'm not a robot --Cradel 12 Shkurt 2009 13:47 (CET)
- Actually, I can understand Puntori's exasperation at being pushed towards more compliance so suddenly, to some extent, but well, it seems the project does need a bit of a push from the outside at this point. Maybe it would be easier if I could just tag problematic images on their image pages. Do you guys have a deletion tagging system in place? I couldn't find the templates. I'd need something like "db-replaceable nonfree", "db-no source", "db-no license" and "db-no evidence of permission", for a start.
- Also, is there a fair use policy in this project? You are aware that all projects that wished to continue to use any non-free images beyond 2007 were supposed to spell out the principles and conditions under which they'd do so, and that all images were supposed to have gone through a checking procedure and updated with written-out rationales of why they were permissible in each case, right? Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 14:59 (CET)
- Look. You're coming from a big project with thousands of active users and admins, such as enwiki. But this is a SMALL wiki. If you really want to help, you can start by helping in counter vandalism or technical assistance.
- By creating an deletion tagging system, these project will only suffer. We don't need all those tags for deletion.
- For example to tag a page for deletion we use {{grise}}. And that only is needed for now.
- By pushing in this way you only aggravate the situation. Eg. the admins are discussing here with you, and this take "precious" time.
- I see you have no previous experience with small projects. In this way, you just can't help. -- eagleal 14 Shkurt 2009 06:22 (CET)
Heqja e postimeve
RedaktoMos i hekë postimet. Unë nuk e di prej kahit ja jape vetit atë të drejtë ti.--Hipi Zhdripi 12 Shkurt 2009 20:56 (CET)
- Ti po i hek postimet në gjuhë tjera, unë thjesht po i heki ofendimet --Cradel 12 Shkurt 2009 22:28 (CET)
- Cradel, I'm now getting both repeated insults and blocking threats from this person, for daring to suggest that he has violated image copyrights. I can absolutely not understand how he ever could become an admin of a Wikimedia project, and I'm seriously considering starting a process of getting him desysopped. Sure, I won't be able to do that within this project. At some point, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to show what side you're on. This is the point where, over at en-wiki, if an admin behaved in such an abusive way against a new contributor, I would definitely block my fellow admin. Perhaps you should consider doing the same. Future Perfect at Sunrise 12 Shkurt 2009 23:18 (CET)
Sorry but I can't take anyone's "side", on the other hand I'm on the side of justice (hehe), I don't think blocking is necessary just yet, if if does get necessary I'll see what I can do. If you want to start a desysopping process, go ahead, and please don't get me wrong, I too am bothered by his actions but apart from that he is a good contributer here. However, if he countiues like this I trust the comunity here won't just stay aside as spectators. Have a nice day --Cradel 13 Shkurt 2009 13:12 (CET)
RedaktoNë lidhje me këtë. Nuk po du me mshef, po se ka vendin aty. As une, as kurkush nuk qiti aty reklama për projektet tjera. Pikë. Tërhiqe poshtë te projetet si motra ose edhe ajo do të konsiderohet si çdo projekt tjeter jashtë gjuhës shqipe.--Hipi Zhdripi 16 Shkurt 2009 01:17 (CET)
- Dan ka te drejte. Nje qofte se do te besh nje njoftim, bej ashtu si bejne te gjithe: mund te vendosesh njoftimin te MediaWiki:Sitenotice. -- eagleal 16 Shkurt 2009 01:28 (CET)
- Unë nuk e kuptoj çfarë problemi paraqet një njoftim i thjeshtë në faqen kryesore, nuk eshte se po i bejme rekalme projekteve në gjuhë tjera po në dialekt tjetër, është gjuha e njëjtë, thjesht dialekt tjetër, ata që nuk dojnë të ndihmojnë këtu bëjnë mirë të mos pengojnë --Cradel 16 Shkurt 2009 15:22 (CET)