Deutsch: Dieses Panoramabild besteht aus 8 Fotos. Zusammengesetzt wurde es mit Hugin und Enblend. Eine geringfügige Nachbearbeitung erfolgte mit Gimp.
English: This panorama is made from 8 photos. Hugin and Enblend were used for stitching. Gimp was used for some slight post-processing.
Français : Ce panorama est constitué de huit photos, prises avec un Canon EOS 400D + EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 à 28mm, f/8.0, 25 sec et ISO 100. Le collage a été réalisé avec Hugin et Enblend. Quelques manipulations ont été réalisées avec Gimp.
Italiano: Questo panorama è stato montato a partire da 8 foto scattate con una Canon 400D+EF-S + 17-55 f/2.8 at 28mm, f/8.0, 25sec e 100 ISO.
Suomi: Tämä panoraamakuva on tehty yhdistämällä kahdeksan kuvaa Hugin ja Enblend -ohjelmilla. Gimpiä on käytetty kevyeen jälkikäsittelyyn.
Tiếng Việt: Tấm hình này được ghép từ 8 bức ảnh, chụp bằng máy Canon EOS 400D.
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Copyright warning: A subject in this image is protected by copyright.
This image features an architectural or artistic work, photographed from a public space in France. There are limited Freedom of Panorama exemptions in France, which means that they cannot be photographed freely for anything other than non-commercial purposes. However, French jurisprudence states that no infringement is constituted when the work is an "accessory compared to the main represented or handled subject".
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ta shpërndani – ta kopjoni, rishpërndani dhe përcillni punën
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atribuim – Duhet t’i jepni meritat e duhura, të siguroni një lidhje për tek licenca dhe të tregoni nëse janë bërë ndryshime. Këtë mund ta bëni në ndonjë mënyrë të arsyeshme, por jo në ndonjë mënyrë që sugjeron se licencuesi ju del zot juve apo përdorimit tuaj.
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Brighter version, because old version looked too dark compared to recent super night shots (hong kong !). This is at the cost of some visible noise, but I think it's a good trade overall. Stitch was done with a new projection which allowed me to frame add
{{Information |Description={{en|View over Paris, at dusk, from the Maine-Montparnasse tower. This panorama is made from 8 photos taken with a Canon 400D+EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 at 28mm, f/8.0, 25sec and ISO 100. Hugin and Enblend were used for stitching. Gimp wa