Thomas Henry Huxley
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Thomas Henry Huxley (* 4 maj 1825 në Ealing, Middlesex; † 29 qershor 1895 në Eastbourne) ka qene një biolog britanik, organizator shkollimi dhe perfaqësuesi kryesor i agnosticizmit, koncept të cilin ai e defioni dhe e vuri në jete.
RedaktoBeruflicher Werdegang
Redakto- The Oceanic Hydrozoa. London 1859; online
- Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. London 1863; online
- übers. von J. Victor Carus: Zeugnisse für die Stellung des Menschen in der Natur. Braunschweig 1863, Gutenberg eText
- On Our Knowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature. Six Lectures to Working Men. London 1863; online
- Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy. London 1864; online
- Lessons in Elementary Physiology. London 1866; online
- A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. London 1871; online
- A Course of Practical Instruction in Elementary Biology. London 1875 - mit H. Newell Martin; online
- Physiography: An Introduction to the Study of Nature. London 1877; online
- A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. London 1877; online
- Introductory Science Primer. London 1880; online
- The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology. London 1879; online
- Collected Essays. 9 Bände, London 1893–1894
- Band 1: Method and Results. Volltext
- Band 2: Darwiniana. Volltext
- Band 3: Science and Education. Volltext
- Band 4: Science and Hebrew Tradition. Volltext
- Band 5: Science and Christian Tradition. Volltext
- Band 6: Hume, with Helps to the Study of Berkeley. Volltext
- Band 7: Man's Place in Nature. Volltext
- Band 8: Discourses, Biological and Geological. Volltext
- Band 9: Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays. Volltext
- ursprünglich publiziert als:
- Michael Foster (Hrsg.): The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. 5 Bände, London 1898–1903
- Julian Huxley (Hrsg.): T.H. Huxley's Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. London 1935
RedaktoAllgemeine Literatur
Weiterführende Literatur
- Adrian Desmond: Huxley: From Devil's Disciple to Evolution's High Priest. Perseus Books, 1999, ISBN 0-7382-0140-5
- Peter Chalmers Mitchell: Thomas Henry Huxley: a sketch of his life and work London 1901. Online verfügbar im Project Gutenberg.
RedaktoWikimedia Commons ka media në lidhje me Thomas Henry Huxley.
Wikisource Burime dhe tekste të plota
Wikiquote ka thënie në lidhje me: Thomas Henry Huxley
- Stampa:DNB-Portal
- Stampa:OL-Autor
- Stampa:PGIA
- Literatur von und über Thomas Henry Huxley Arkivuar 6 janar 2012 tek Wayback Machine bei der Bibliothek der University of Adelaide
- Eintrag in der Classic Encyclopedia (englisch)
- The Huxley File (englisch)
- Briefwechsel[lidhje e vdekur] mit Charles Darwin
- Thomas Henry Huxley Collection am Imperial College London